Primary 4 – Term 3 2017 (Jan-Apr)
Topic – This term our topic is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. At the beginning of term we had a pupil planning session where pupils gave their ideas for what they would like to learn about and they came up with some fantastic ideas. We will share some photos with you later in the term.
Literacy – As our topic is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory a lot of our literacy this term will be focused on the story. In writing we will be creating newspaper articles, writing poems and creating our own chapters for the story. In reading we will be focusing on summarising, creating storyboards and answering questions based on what we have read. Each group will have a guided session twice a week and related activities will be completed. We will continue to develop our knowledge of spelling and grammar through a range of active strategies.
Numeracy – This term we will be focusing on developing our mental strategies in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through daily CLIC lessons and weekly tests to assess progress. We will also be focusing on shape, angle and direction.
Homework – This term homework will be handed out on a Monday and collected on a Friday. For spelling pupils will be asked to copy out their words three times each then write 6 sentences. They should try to get two of their spelling words into each sentence as well as good Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation. Reading will be handed out twice weekly and a small activity may also be given. Maths homework may be given out also when appropriate.
Visiting Specialists – This term we will have Music on a Wednesday with Mr Janetta, P.E. with Mrs Cruickshank on a Thursday and Art with Mrs Thow on a Friday.
Swimming – This term we will be going swimming on a Friday morning. This is a great opportunity and pupils are really enjoying it so far.